Welcome to FS2 Down in the Jungle!
Welcome to Foundation Stage 2!
Welcome to Foundation Stage 2! We are so happy you have joined our class and we have so many exciting things for us to learn and do. Our class is called Down in the Jungle, which was inspired by the story Elmer. Your teacher is Miss Rothery and your teaching assistant is Miss Speight. We are also really lucky to have 2 more members of staff who support the children in FS2, Miss Holdsworth and Miss Halstead. This term we get chance to find out all about you and your families, as our topic is ‘Marvellous Me.’

Autumn Term 1: Communication and Language – Developing speaking and listening skills, learning new words and speaking in sentences.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Learn the rules and routines in the setting, follow simple instructions, develop our independence, make new friendships and learn to talk about our feelings.

Physical development – In P.E we are focussing on warm up games and learning how our bodies can move in different ways. We are developing our fine motor skills too through using paintbrushes, tweezers, pencils, scissors and cutlery etc.

Literacy – We are using a familiar text, Goldilocks and the three bears to create exciting hooks and real life experiences. We will be following a recipe to make porridge and discussing and planning how to find Goldilocks after she has visited our school to cause drama. In Phonics, we are learning the letter sounds s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d,g,o,c, k, ck and e, recognising initial sounds, blending and segmenting VC and CVC words and developing our letter formation. In writing, we are learning how to write initial sounds, VC and CVC words and our own names using the correct letter formation.

Mathematics – We are learning how to match, sort, count, sequence and explore patterns.

Understanding the World – We will be sharing information about our families and our likes and dislikes. We are learning about the seasons and exploring the natural world, encouraging children to explore the natural world out of school too.

Expressive Arts and Design – We are learning how to draw pictures using enclosed lines and adding detail to show emotions. We are also developing our creative skills through exploring paint and learning how to follow a painting routine and mix colours. We will be using various tools and resources to explore malleable materials and create masterpieces with junk modelling resources. These are just some of the experiences that will take place this half term.

All of your child’s learning will be shared via our online learning journey Evidence Me, please check this regularly to receive frequent updates on your child’s learning!

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