Welcome to FS2 Out of this World!
Welcome to Foundation Stage 2!
Welcome to Foundation Stage 2! Our class is called Down at the Bottom of the Garden, which was inspired by the story Planting a Rainbow. Your teacher is Mrs Wood and your teaching assistants are Miss Fortune and Miss Scherdel.

We have had a great learning journey so far, full of exciting adventures and we are eager to continue this throughout the summer term.

Our topics are ‘Circle of Life’ and ‘Aren’t Animals Amazing.’

Our key texts in Literacy throughout summer one are From Egg to Chicken, Tad, Tadpole’s Promise, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Jack and the Beanstalk. In summer two we are exploring The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Rumble in the Jungle, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, What the Ladybird Heard, Oi Get off our Train and Animals non-fiction.

Throughout Foundation Stage, we consistently strive to promote our children’s oracy development. As Early Years practitioners, we understand that early language is a vital skill for later success ranging across all seven areas of the curriculum. Each week the children will be introduced to three new words through the programme, ‘Word Aware for the Early Years’. These words are specifically taught using actions, symbols and examples as well as throughout provision.

Reading is a key driver throughout our school and we aim to provide our children with the necessary tools to support early reading. These early reading skills prepare our children for transition into KS1. Following and teaching the Floppy’s Phonics scheme, allows a consistent approach across school in the teaching of reading.

Our children are developing their knowledge of number and numerical patterns through the ‘Maths No Problem’ scheme. Throughout the summer term, our children will learn how to count on to add, how to represent teen numbers, double and halve numbers, identify odd and even numbers and consolidate knowledge of number bonds.

Cultural capital is key in the Early Years, we value the importance of giving children first-hand experiences to develop their language and understanding. Throughout the summer term, we will visit our school pond, observe caterpillars as they transform into butterflies, make delicious egg sandwiches, plant a variety of vegetables and flowers, visit Cannon Hall Farm and St Edwards Church.

All of our learning will be recorded on Evidence Me and all parents are encouraged to look through their child’s learning journey.

FS2 Out of this World Information

Our PE day is on Friday.

Our Library day is on Thursday.

Children need to bring their red book bags every day as well as their reading folders.

If you wish your child to change their reading book, they have access to a range of wonderful books and can change it every day if they wish to earn 'reading miles' which earn them prizes!

Please contact us on Class Dojo / Seesaw and look at our learning on Twitter.

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