Welcome to FS2 Down at the Bottom of the Garden!
Welcome to Foundation Stage 2!
Welcome to Foundation Stage 2! We are so happy you have joined our class and we have so many exciting things for us to learn and do. Our class is called Down at the Bottom of the Garden, which was inspired by the story Planting a Rainbow. Your teacher is Mrs Wood and your teaching assistants are Miss Fortune and Miss Scherdel. This term we get chance to find out all about you and your families, as our topic is ‘Marvellous Me.’

Autumn Term 2:

Communication and Language – Developing speaking and listening skills, learning new words and more ‘WOW’ ambitious words and speaking in sentences.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Continuing to embed and follow the school’s rules and routines, follow simple instructions, further develop our independence, continue to make friendships in order to be respectful and treat others with respect and to understand and talk about our feelings. We will also take a trip out to the post box to learn about how to be a safe pedestrian.

Physical development – In P.E we are focussing on balancing, running and stopping, changing direction, jumping, hopping and different ways to travel using equipment. We are developing our fine motor skills too to support with using scissor, to develop control when drawing on different surfaces and to develop pencil strength to ensure the correct pressure when drawing.

Literacy – We are using various texts, through exciting hooks and real-life experiences to bring alive the theme: Into the Woods! These texts will include ‘Owl babies’, ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and a Non-fiction text based around ‘Woodland Animals’. Moving into December, we will explore ‘The Nativity Story’ and ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ to start the festivities of Christmas. We will be having a visit from ‘The Yorkshire Owl Company’ and sending our very own letters to Santa!

In Phonics we are learning the letter sounds u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, le, ss, j, v and w, recognising initial sounds, blending and segmenting VC and CVC words and developing our letter formation. In writing, we are learning how to write initial sounds, VC and CVC words, using these to form simple sentences and our own names using the correct letter formation.

Mathematics – We are learning the composition of numbers, 2D shape, positional language and counting and ordering.

Understanding the World – We will be sharing our likes and dislikes of food as well as understanding the importance of a health diet. We will learn about the weather in autumn and what to wear in different weathers. We will explore some environments different to our own and talk about our likes and dislikes of these as well as the importance of recycling

Expressive Arts and Design – Use and refine a knowledge of colour mixing using poster / powder paints to create desired colours for a purpose. Hold a paintbrush correctly and paint with control. Explore and develop confidence in using pva, glue sticks, sellotape and masking tape to join materials.

We will celebrate Remembrance Day, Diwali as well as performing our own Nativity display to celebrate Christmas with our families

Coming up in Spring Term 1:

Communication and Language – We are developing our speaking and listening skills, continuing to widen our vocabulary and applying our knowledge of new words in context.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – We are developing friendships and learning what makes a good friend. We are continuing to embed and follow the school’s rules and routines, follow 2-step instructions and learn strategies to self-regulate. We are learning how to stay safe online and use a keyboard to write our names. We are continuing to develop our understanding of personal hygiene and independence skills.

Physical development – In P.E, the children will develop their ball skills through the topic of ‘weather’. Children will develop fundamental ball skills such as throwing and catching, rolling a ball, using targets, dribbling with feet, kicking a ball, bouncing and catching a ball. Children will be able to develop their fine and gross motor skills though a range of game play with balls. Children will work independently and with a partner and will develop decision making and using simple tactics. We are developing our fine motor skills too through a range of cutting, drawing, painting and funky fingers activities.

Literacy – We are using familiar texts, exciting hooks and cultural capital experiences to embed our learning of the topic, ‘Super You, Super Me!’ These texts will include ‘Supertato’, ‘Superworm’, ‘A Superhero Like You’, ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’. We will be creating our own ‘super veggies’ and discussing their superpowers and making pancakes just like the wolf!

In Phonics, we are learning the letter sounds w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th and ng, blending and segmenting words containing these sounds and revisiting previous sounds taught. We will continue to develop our letter formation and apply this to our writing. We are learning how to apply our phonics knowledge independently to label and work, write CVC words and form simple sentences. We are continuing to recognise new action words and learning how to spell these to use in our writing.

Mathematics – We are learning basic counting skills, how to form numerals, how to find one more/one less than a given number and the composition of numbers up to six.

Understanding the World – We will be sharing our own experiences about different places we have visited. We will use non-fiction texts to learn about different countries in the world that link to children’s experiences. The children will explore maps and begin to identify features on a map such as a road or place of worship. We will explore a range of items to find out whether they are magnetic or non-magnetic and record our findings.

Expressive Arts and Design – We will develop our painting techniques and begin to add detail to our paintings. The children will begin to explore shades and tones through adding white to the colours they have mixed. We will learn how to join materials using treasury tags and staplers, return to and build upon previous learning and reflect upon our work, adapting if necessary.

These are just some of the experiences that will take place this half term. All of your child’s learning will be shared via our online learning journey Evidence Me, please check this regularly to receive frequent updates on your child’s learning!
FS2 Down at the Bottom of the Garden Information

Our PE day is on Friday.

Our Library day is on Thursday.

Children need to bring their red book bags every day as well as their reading folders.

If you wish your child to change their reading book, they have access to a range of wonderful books and can change it every day if they wish to earn 'reading miles' which earn them prizes!

Please contact us on Class Dojo / Seesaw and look at our learning on Twitter.

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