Welcome to Y5 Platform 9 3/4!
Come and see all of the exciting things that have been happening in our class!
Welcome to Year 5! This is your first year in Upper Key Stage 2 and will be filled with new challenges and learning experiences. Mr Imeson is our class teacher, who will be joined by our class TA is Miss Wignall. We are very lucky to have a library session every Tuesday, be taught PE by Mr Sidebottom on Thursdays and have Art with Mrs Scully on alternate Mondays. To wrap up each exciting week, we celebrate our achievements and successes in the Good Achiever Assembly. We always strive to achieve our best!
Y5 Platform 9 3/4 Information

Each day begins with guided reading whereby we study a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts. In particular this year, we will visit Hogwarts when studying Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the ruins of Whitby Abbey through Room 13 and follow Shackleton on his journey to Antarctica.

We will dive into our first mathematics topic of place value in Autumn, leading us to consolidation of the four operations. Throughout the Spring term, we explore fractions, decimals and percentage before expanding our existing knowledge of geometry and measurement in the final term.

Following our new scheme with Literacy Tree, we are very fortunate to explore a range of texts to compose pieces of writing covering a range of genres including, a non-chronological report, biography, prequel, poem and newspaper.

This year will be filled to the brim with awe and wonder across the curriculum. We will explore: Ancient Egypt, the Mayan civilisation and World War One in History; sustainability, mountains and National Parks in Geography and internet safety, 3D modelling and coding in Computing just to name a few exciting topics.

In Science, we begin year 5 by exploring the mechanics associated with forces and movement and celestial bodies within our solar system. Later, we delve into properties of materials, including exhilarating investigations surrounding reversible and irreversible changes. We will draw the year to an end with our topics on life cycles and changes and growth.

We are very lucky to have links with our local church and will welcome Joseph into our RE lessons to deliver workshops alongside our teachers when studying the key questions: is the Christmas story true and was it part of God’s plan for Jesus to die? Moving away from the Christian faith, we will also study Sikhism in the summer term.

Art and DT will be taught on alternate Mondays. In DT, we focus heavily this year on creating protypes based on design briefs, including suspension bridges and Chinese kites. While in Art, we will explore portraits, African printing and textiles.

Each week, we will continue to develop our linguistic skills in French covering topics such as pets, weather and clothing.

Within PSHE, we will explore themes surrounding safe relationships, money and keeping safe for example, when enjoying the sun. Within our career topic, we will also begin to the about our futures, which is always an exciting time when we discover the various educational paths and employment opportunities available to us.

A lesson everyone seems to lose themselves in is music! We sing, compose and perform pieces from a variety of genres throughout the school year from traditional South-African ballads to K-Pop.

To support our learning, we have also organised educational visits to the National Space Centre and Treak Cliff Cavern, alongside specialist guest speakers and visitors.

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