As well as daily lessons of reading, writing and maths, we will also be studying exciting topics in science, geography, history, ICT, art and D&T! We will be having weekly PE sessions with Mr Sidebottom on Thursdays. We are currently enjoying swimming lessons every Thursday! Spellings are given out on Mondays and then we have our weekly spelling test on a Friday. Our library day is on a Friday – remember to bring your book back every week.
Remember – reading is the window to the world! We love to read in Y4. Make sure that you read at least three times per week to keep up with reading miles. Both Mr Shaw and Mrs Hampshire love to read too and we can’t wait to share some fantastic stories with you in literacy, guided reading and at story time this year.
Over the year we will be discovering and celebrating each others talents and successes! Aim high Y4 – together we will succeed!