Welcome to Year 6!
Mrs Talbot
Welcome to Year 6, the final chapter of primary school. A year of exciting opportunities, rewarding experiences and challenge! This is your year to shine. From sports competitions to SATs; Life Skills; to our residential visit; Sports leaders to School Council; public speaking to the final production, there is something for everyone in Year 6. As well as reaching our potential academically, there will be plenty of opportunities to participate in key roles and responsibilities within the school that will equip you for your transition to secondary school. In Year 6 you will be expected to work hard but in return, you will be rewarded with many happy memories, lasting friendships, and an increased confidence to take you onto your next adventure. We look forward to welcoming you to our Year 6 team!
Y6 Kensuke's Kingdom Information

Our PE day is Monday - you will require your PE kit on this day. Please remember to bring suitable shoes and your full PE kit. Reading books should be returned to School each day. You will receive a stamp for each day you have read; keep collecting your stamps to achieve reading miles! Homework will go home each day for maths in order to keep mathematical concepts fresh in our minds and on a Friday reading homework will come home. You will also have access to TTRS and spelling shed on a weekly basis. This can be accessed on a computer or a tablet. Spellings go home on a Monday and will be tested on Friday with new ones going home on the following Monday. Please make sure that you practise your spellings every week!

Each week, there will either be an history or geography lesson, depending on the topic focus, a science lesson, an art or design technology lesson, a PSHE lesson and an ICT lesson. In addition, we have three RE topics throughout the year. Our autumn topic begins with a great history topic - Industrious Barnsley and how it changed during the 19th century. The children will be transported back to Victorian Britain where they will investigate what life was like to live in Barnsley throughout the industrial revolution, what industry Barnsley was famous for and the jobs both children and adults were required to work. Our other history topics this year include Monarchs through time and how Britain changed during World War 2.

In geography, we begin by looking at how climate change is affecting the world. In spring we investigate whether fair trade is really fair and finally in summer, we conduct a river study to determine what a river is in order to understand the features and processes of a common and very significant feature of physical geography. Our science this year starts with how electricity behaves before moving onto how we see light, followed by evolution and inheritance. In the summer term we will focus upon animals and their habitats which focuses on what adaptations they need to make in order to survive. It is here we will look at the life of Charles Darwin and how his discoveries shaped scientific understanding of animals and their habitats.

In our weekly PSHE sessions we will cover themes including: families and friendships, safe relationships, belonging to a community, living in the wider world, money and work, media literacy and digital resilience, respecting ourselves and others, growing and changing and keeping safe.

Throughout the year in RE – we cover the key questions; what is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to god? Is Christianity still a strong religion 2000 years after Jesus was on Earth? Does belief in Akhirah (Life and death) help Muslims lead good lives?

Throughout the year in art and DT - we cover Printing, investigate the work of Ben Mosley, enjoy a visit from Hepp DT where will create a motorised vehicle and also make delicious Burgers.

We also enjoy music, Computing and French lessons throughout the year too where we learn how to order food at the café, make movies, learn how data is transferred in packets, play the Glockenspiels to music taking into consideration beat and tempo. We also investigate how music changes the world. A jam packed final year filled with learning, new experiences and a leavers production thrown in for good measure!

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