At Joseph Locke we take attendance and punctuality very seriously. Our attendance target for 2024-25 is 97% for the whole school.
School Opening Hours
School opens at 8:35am Monday-Friday and we expect children to be on time for class everyday.
Registration is at 8:45am every day and school finishes at 3:15pm. This amounts to 32.5 hours per week.
We are working extremely hard to increase our attendance and punctuality figures and this will continue throughout the school year! Some of the strategies we are currently using include:
· Breakfast club
· Early morning phone calls for persistent late comers/non-attenders (starting at 8.30am)
· Dynamic punctuality door (Greeting parents and children outside the school gates)
· Door knocking (visiting the homes of late comers/ non-attenders)
· Weekly class attendance and punctuality awards.
· End of term most improved child.
· End of term attendance assembly
If you have any issues regarding attendance/punctuality, please speak to our Attendance Officer, Mrs A Winstanley
Please see below document which details the 16 most common illnesses that can be encountered whilst at school and the recommended period that children should stay off school for should they contract any of these illnesses.
Our school uniform comprises of:
Branded cardigans, jumpers, polo shirts and fleeces can be ordered at the school office but the branding is optional and uniform can be purchased elsewhere.
PE Kits can be purchased from the school office.
Your children will be given a water bottle to use in class and a blue bag for their indoor pumps.
Educational visits often require sturdy footwear or waterproof clothing however, parents will be advised by letter according to the activity.
No jewellery other than stud earrings may be worn for school.