Welcome to our year 3 class website for the students and parents of Joseph Locke Primary School.
This is Y3 - The Tin Forest!
Mr Dyson is the class teacher and we have one other adult working with us called Miss Noble.
There is so much to learn and enjoy throughout the school year this year. We want the children in our class to thoroughly enjoy their learning journey with us.
Friday is when we will be having both our spelling test and the day when we have our French lessons taught by Monsieur Dyson.
Tuesdays will be your favourite day with both PE lessons with Mr Sidebottom and also our drumming lessons with Mr Armitage who will be teaching us Samba skills.
Wednesdays will be our DT and on a Friday morning, every other week we will be doing art with Mrs Scully, our in house artist.
Fridays are our big celebration assemblies - to applaud all of the pupils who have achieved amazing things that week and children who always show fabulous learning dispositions.
We will be going to the Library every Thursday.
Each day, there will be daily guided reading based on a whole class text; mental maths and maths activities developing your abilities to recall number facts, but crucially to develop a range of strategies and skills in solving mathematical problems and developing the vocabulary to talk about them; and literacy- where you will develop your writing skills in a range of genres including instructional texts, narrative writing, poetry and non- chronological reports.
They will also access the wider curriculum every afternoon. Children who require additional interventions will be supported during afternoon sessions. Handwriting lessons take place three times per week. Story time takes place at the end of every school day. This year, we have some exciting new stories to share with the children!
Important Information:
P.E is every Tuesday
Spelling test is every Friday (spellings are sent out each Monday for that week)
Maths homework is set on Seesaw
We expect children to read at home a minimum of three times per week and six times a week to reach Lands End. Please make a note of this in their reading diaries.
This is Y3 - The Tin Forest!
Mr Dyson is the class teacher and we have one other adult working with us called Miss Noble.
There is so much to learn and enjoy throughout the school year this year. We want the children in our class to thoroughly enjoy their learning journey with us.
Friday is when we will be having both our spelling test and the day when we have our French lessons taught by Monsieur Dyson.
Tuesdays will be your favourite day with both PE lessons with Mr Sidebottom and also our drumming lessons with Mr Armitage who will be teaching us Samba skills.
Wednesdays will be our DT and on a Friday morning, every other week we will be doing art with Mrs Scully, our in house artist.
Fridays are our big celebration assemblies - to applaud all of the pupils who have achieved amazing things that week and children who always show fabulous learning dispositions.
We will be going to the Library every Thursday.
Each day, there will be daily guided reading based on a whole class text; mental maths and maths activities developing your abilities to recall number facts, but crucially to develop a range of strategies and skills in solving mathematical problems and developing the vocabulary to talk about them; and literacy- where you will develop your writing skills in a range of genres including instructional texts, narrative writing, poetry and non- chronological reports.
They will also access the wider curriculum every afternoon. Children who require additional interventions will be supported during afternoon sessions. Handwriting lessons take place three times per week. Story time takes place at the end of every school day. This year, we have some exciting new stories to share with the children!
Important Information:
P.E is every Tuesday
Spelling test is every Friday (spellings are sent out each Monday for that week)
Maths homework is set on Seesaw
We expect children to read at home a minimum of three times per week and six times a week to reach Lands End. Please make a note of this in their reading diaries.