Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions page. Below are some of the most asked questions by parents/carers which we can happily answer for you.
What are the school opening/closing times?
Classroom doors open at 8:35am and close at 8:45am any latecomers must then report to reception. School then finishes at 3:15pm where classroom doors then close at 3:25pm. Any children that are still at school at this point are then taken to Mrs Jepson's room.
What time do the school gates open/close?
The school gates are locked between 8:20am and 9:30am everyday and then once again between 2:30pm and 3:30pm. Please refrain from driving up to school at these times.
Is there car parking available at school?
The school car park is primarily for the use of staff and visitors only. Please refrain from using the school car park.
What should I do if my child is ill?
If your child is not well enough to be in school please telephone the school office on 01226 729910 (option 1) to report your childs absence before 9:00am detailing the reason they are away from school and when they are expected to return.
What should I do if my child has a medical appointment?
Medical appointments should be made for before/after school hours but if this is unavoidable then please provide us with Medical Evidence beforehand. If your child has an emergency appointment and you don't have evidence to give you must provide us with evidence from the doctor afterwards otherwise the absence will go down as unauthorised which could mean Education Welfare involvement.
Can my child be given medication whilst at school?
Yes, parents must complete a permission form giving us details about the medicine, how much to take and what time to take this medicine. Please note, without this form we are not permitted to give your child any medicine.
My child is been bullied, what do I do?
We take bullying very seriously at Joseph Locke. If your child is being bullied please speak to their class teacher in the first instance. If you are unhappy with their response to the situation then please arrange to come and see a senior member of staff to help with any issues.
What should I do if I want to discuss my child's progress?
We have 2 parents evenings scheduled throughout the year for you to discuss your childs progress with their teacher. If you feel you need to discuss your childs progress outside of these times please speak to your child teacher to make an appointment for this to happen
Are holidays in term time allowed?
All holidays during term time are unauthorised and will be refused by school. Please note that if you still take your child out of school for a holiday you may receive a fine.
Can my child cycle to school?
Yes, your child can cycle to and from school and leave their bike securely locked in our bike area. Please note that bikes are left at the owner's own risk and school cannot accept responsibility for any theft or damage.
What do I do if my child loses an item?
If your child does lose an item please look in their cloakroom in the provided lost property boxes to see if it has been handed in. To prevent items being lost please put your child's name in them.
Does the school have a breakfast club?
Yes, Our breakfast club runs everyday from 7:40am until 8:35am where children are then taken to their classrooms by the breakfast club staff. The club costs £2.50 a day and children are given a choice of either toast, cereal or bagels to enjoy for their breakfast. Please note that children need to arrive at the club between 7:40am and 8:20am to allow time for them to eat their breakfast and children also need to be dropped off by the reception doors by a responsible adult. Alternatively we offer out free bagels in both playgrounds at 8:35am for the children to enjoy courtesy of Magic Breakfast.
Is jewellery allowed in school?
The only jewellery allowed in school (other than a watch) is a stud earring.
Rings and pendants can be accidentally caught at any time and the result is a torn ear-lobe. All jewellery must be removed for P.E./Games and children should either refrain from wearing it to school on P.E./Games days or be trained by parents to take it off or out and put it back on or in. If your childs studs are new and cannot be taken out yet then they are advised to wear a plaster over the stud on PE days until they can take it out independently.
How do I apply for a school place?
To apply for a school place you must first contact Barnsley Council's admissions deparment on 01226 773677. Then you must complete a application form (if your child is starting in Reception) or a transfer form (if your child is currently in a school). After this admissions will write to you confirming if your child is eligible for a place or not. If you are then you must contact school to confirm your place as soon as possible and we can then get your child enrolled onto our register.
What will happen if the weather is bad and school has to close?
If we have to take the unfortunate decision to close the school due to bad weather (for example, heavy snow) then we shall let you know via text message and the local radio channels in the area. Please note unless you officially hear from us that we are going to be closed we will still be open to children.
Where can I buy uniform?
Uniform can either be ordered via the school office or bought in any local retailers. Details about our uniform can be found on our Attendance & Uniform page.
Can my child walk to and from school alone?
Children in Year 5 & Year 6 with written permission from someone with parental responsibility are allowed to walk to and from school alone. All other children must be accompanied by a responsible adult, a responsible adult is someone over the age of 16, to and from school.
What should I put in my child’s packed lunch?
We encourage healthy eating and expect parents to choose healthily when creating a packed lunch.
An example of a healthy packed lunch:
Can my child bring toys in to school?
No, we normally discourage toys or collectables (e.g. football cards) being brought to school, unless the class teacher has specifically requested that they do.
Is smoking allowed on site?
The school operates a no smoking policy on the property and within the school grounds. This also includes the use of e-cigarettes.
Is my child eligible for free school meals?
Children in Reception up to Year 2 are entitled to a universal free school meal. From Year 3 onwards you will have to pay for a lunch unless you are entitled to free school meals. If you think you are eligible please visit www.gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals to apply for free school meals for your child.
Can I request paper copies of documents on the website?
Yes, if you require a paper copy of any documents on our website please let us know in writing where we will then consider your request and give you a reply either letting you have the requested document or a reason that you cannot have it (e.g. Data Protection, document due for renewal etc.)
Are pets allowed on site?
For health and safety reasons we have a strict policy that any dogs/cats are not allowed on school site past the main green gates leading up to school.